Perry Biomass Engineering has over 70 years of experience in handling granular products and 35 years of experience with handling woodchip, and over the years we have encountered all sorts of logistical issues and found a different solution for each of them. When installing a Biomass heating system often some of the last things to be considered are actually the most important aspects of a Biomass system.
It is quite common for the decision to invest in a biomass boiler to be made, and the position of the boiler decided before considering the logistics of handling the fuel. This can lead to problems when the storage and delivery of the fuel is assessed.
Some of the key issues that should be considered early include:
Is there enough room for a lorry to tip & turn where the delivery needs to be made?
If the space is not adequate for a delivery to be made then the only solution is to move the delivery space, but this in its self can cause further issues. The decision will then need to be made as to whether you move the boiler along with the woodchip store or bunker, and then pipe the heat to where it needs to go, or do you move the bunker and transport the fuel to the boiler using a system of conveyors.
When building your woodchip store or using an existing building, and allocating a required storage capacity have you considered the angle of repose of woodchip?
There is an angle of repose associated with woodchip because it does not flow well. This means that when a store is filled there is an angle of 45 degrees which the edge of the pile of woodchip makes and this reduces the storage capacity of a given space. The usable capacity of the store should also be considered, for example, if the chip cannot be removed from the square corners of a bunker by the discharge system then these areas will fill up once and never empty. There are methods to improve the filling of woodchip stores including full-length centre augers or levelling conveyors.
Will the system fit in with the area aesthetically?
Sometimes Biomass systems can be a little unsightly, but there are options available to help reduce the impact. For example, Perry Biomass Engineering produces the BIOBIN. This galvanised steel woodchip storage bin can be clad in timber or box profile sheeting to blend in with its surroundings.
Using systems with blowers can be noisy, will this become a nuisance?
One particular client put a woodchip blower system in place that was producing about 120db of noise. During the early periods of operation, local residents complained about the noise and dust generated during delivery. Eventually, the client had to replace the system with a Perry Biomass handling BIOINTAKE which reduced the noise generated during the delivery to just 56db.
Finding the right Biomass handling solution for you takes time, skill and experience. Perry Biomass Engineers have been asked several challenging questions over their time with the company, and they strive to find the right solution for your needs. We have a network of sales engineers around the UK who would be happy to advise you on your next Biomass boiler installation.
If you would like to know more about Perry Biomass Engineering please contact us on 01404 890300 or email sales@perryofoakley.co.uk